pipón: potbellied
pippermint: peppermint liqueur
pique: pique; resentment; rivalry; determination to do something; crotch; irse a pique: to
flounder; to sink; to ruin
piquero: pikeman; booby
piqueta: bricklayer's hammer; ice-axe; pick; pickaxe
piquete: picket; group of pickets; squad; prick; puncture; small hole; picket; short stake
pira: pyre; funeral pile
pirado: nuts; crackers; crazy; high
piragua: canoe; pirogue
piragüismo: canoeing
piragüista: canoeist
piramidal: pyramidal
pirámide: pyramid
piraña: piranha
pirarse: to beat it; to clear out
pirata: pirate; hacker; piratical
piratear: to pirate
piratería: piracy; robbery; hacking
pirenaico: Pyrenean
Pirineos: Pyrenees
piripi: tipsy
pirita: pyrites
piro: darse el piro: to beat it
piromanía: pyromania
pirómano: pyromaniac
piropear: to pay compliments to
piropo: compliment; flirtatious remark; pyrope; carbuncle
pirotecnia: pyrotechnics
pirotécnico: pyrotechnical; pyrotechnist; fireworks; fireworks expert
pirrar: to like a lot
pirrarse: to long; to be very fond of; to be crazy about
pirueta: pirouette; caper
pirula: dirty trick
piruleta: lollipop
pirulí: lollipop
pis: pee
pisada: footstep; footprint; tread
pisapapeles: paperweight
pisar: to tread on; to step on; to tread; to press; to ram; to tramp; to trample under foot; to press
down; to overlap; to put one's foot down on; to walk all over
piscicultura: pisciculture; fish culture
piscifactoría: fish farm; fish hatchery
piscina: swimming pool; fishpond
piscis: Pisces
pisco: strong alcoholic drink made from fermented grapes
piscolabis: snack; bite; luncheon
piso: floor; apartment; flat; pavement; storey; level; stage formation; sole
pisotear: to trample on; to tread under foot; to humble; to despise; to abuse
pisotón: heavy tread on someone's foot
pista: trail; trace; track; scent; clue; ring; runway