English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

previsible: foreseeable
previsión: forecast; foresight; prevision; plan; providence
previsor: far-sighted; prudent; foresighted; provident
previsto: planned; foreseen; forecast; prever
prieto: tight; compact; close-fisted; dark; blackish
pima: female cousin; premium; bonus; bounty; sucker; prime; treble
primacía: primacy; supremacy; precedence; priority
primado: primatial; primacy; primate
primadona: prima donna
primar: to give precedence to; to reward
primaria: primary education; elementary education; primary election
primario: primary; basic; chief; first; elementary
primate: primate; personage; worthy
primavera: spring; springtime; cowslip; primrose
primaveral: spring; spring-like; vernal
primer: primero
primera: first; first class; first gear; directly; without warning; prime
primeriza: first-time mother
primerizo: novice; inexperienced; first-time
primero: first; in the first place; rather; sooner; foremost; chief; leading; early; former; prime;
primicia: scoop; premiere; first showing; first fruit
primitivo: original; primitive; basic
primo: cousin; gullible person; dupe; sucker; first; prime; excellent; raw
primogénito: first-born
primor: care; skill; excellence of execution; beauty; exquisiteness; lovely thing; delight
primordial: fundamental; primordial
primoroso: exquisite; beautiful
prímula: primula
princesa: princess
principado: principality; principate; primacy; princedom
principal: main; principal; chief; foremost; essential; illustrious; princeps; boss; head; capital;
first floor; second floor
príncipe: prince; sovereign; ruler; princeps
principesco: princely
principiante: beginning; novice; tyro; beginner
principio: beginning; commencement; start; source; origin; principle; rule of action; entrée
pringado: dirty; filthy; victim; unlucky person; wretch
pringar: to dirty; to involve; to dip bread in gravy or grease; to stain with grease; to stab; to
wound; pringarla: to die; to carry the can
pringarse: to get dirty; to get involved
pringoso: greasy; sticky
pringue: grime; grease; melted fat
prior: prior; preceding
priora: prioress
priorato: priory; priorship; priorate
prioridad: priority
prioritario: most important
prisa: hurry; haste; dispatch; celerity; urgency; rush
prisión: prison; jail; imprisonment; bond; tie; seizure; capture; arrest
prisionero: prisoner; captive

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