preso: imprisoned; arrested; prisoner; convict
prestación: service; benefit; prestation; lending; prestaciones: features
prestado: lent; borrowed
prestamista: moneylender; pawnbroker
préstamo: loan; lending; loanword; préstamo hipotecario: mortgage
prestancia: distinction; elegance; excellence
prestar: to lend; to loan; to bestow; to give; to communicate; to do; to render; to pay; to keep; to
show; to take
prestarse: to offer; to lend oneself; to submit; to give ground for
prestatario: borrower; borrowing
presteza: promptness; celerity; quickness; haste
prestidigitación: conjuring; prestidigitation
prestidigitador: prestidigitator; conjurer; magician
prestigiar: to give prestige to
prestigio: prestige; spell; fascination
prestigioso: prestigious; influential
presto: ready; quick; prepared; promptly; quickly; soon
presumible: probable; presumable
presumido: vain; conceited
presumir: to presume; to conjecture; to suspect; to be vain or conceited; to boast; to brag
presunción: assumption; vanity; boasting; conceit
presunto: alleged; suspected; supposed
presuntuoso: conceited; self-satisfied; presumptuous
presuponer: to presuppose; to budget; to form an estimate of
presuposición: presupposition
presupuestar: to estimate the cost of; to cost; to budget for
presupuestario: budgetary; budget
presupuesto: budget; estimate; assumption; reason; pretext; presupposed; presupposition
presuroso: hasty; prompt; hurried; swift
pretencioso: pretentious
pretender: to pretend to; to seek; to solicit; to court; to seek in marriage; to try to; to intend
pretendiente: pretender; claimant; office seeker; suitor; wooer; candidate; applicant; aspiring
pretensión: aim; intention; claim; pretension; pretense
pretérito: olden; past; bygone; preterit
pretextar: to use as an excuse; to pretext
pretexto: pretext; cover; excuse
pretil: parapet; railing
pretor: pretor; praetor
prevalecer: to prevail; to take root; to thrive
prevaler: to prevail
prevalerse de: to avail oneself of; to take advantage of
prevaricación: act of injustice or breach of faith committed by a public officer; deliberate
neglect of legal duty or obligation
prevención: prevention; foresight; preventive; measure; predisposition; preparation; stock;
supply; prejudice; dislike; warning; police station; guardroom
prevenir: to prepare; to make ready; to anticipate; to foresee; to forestall; to prevent; to avoid; to
warn; to caution; to prepossess; to prejudice
prevenirse: to take precautions; to prepare; to get ready; to provide oneself
preventivo: preventive; preventative; warning
prever: to foresee; to anticipate; to envisage
previo: previous