Leading Organizational Learning
instant losses or gains in trading, merging to look powerful, down- sizing to look lean, bluffing and spin-doctoring to stay in ...
Knowledge management (KM) therefore should be something eagerly embraced by leaders; it should be an incredibly easy sell. Yet K ...
Only material things are real.A great deal of our efforts focus on trying to make invisible “things” (like knowledge, commitmen ...
great clarity. In the West, we have focused on explicit knowledge— knowledge one can see and document—instead of dealing with th ...
me to react. As I figure out what’s going on or what something means, I develop interpretations that make sense to me. Knowl- ed ...
spite of severe traffic or bad weather. She wasn’t describing com- pany policy. She was giving an uninterrupted, virtuoso demons ...
to learn; we want to be together. And we need to be involved in decisions that affect us. If we believed these studies and creat ...
People must feel respected and trusted. People must know and care about their colleagues. People must value and trust their lea ...
Knowledge is born in chaotic processes that take time.The irony of this principle is that it demands two things we don’t have: a ...
our deeper motivations and dynamics as human beings. We interact with something or someone in our environment and then use who w ...
Chapter Seven Tangling with Learning Intangibles Dave Ulrich Norm Smallwood Jordan Pettinger, senior vice president for human re ...
price what it is? The easy and some would say obvious answer is that when firms make more money, their stock price goes up. Mark ...
requires all three building blocks. True learning organizations both generate and generalize ideas and ensure that the ideas wil ...
Step 1: Choice Learners seek alternatives. They see what might be, not what has been or has to be. They brainstorm multiple ways ...
Asking.Learners moderate fear of failure and generate new ideas by thinking through “what if” questions, such as these: What if ...
Step 3: Correction Learners adjust and adapt to the choices and consequences they experience. They constantly need to take corre ...
Create Team Learning Opportunities Increasingly, companies perform work through task forces, projects, groups, account teams, an ...
Develop the Capacity for Organization Learning Organizations as entities also have the capacity to learn. By so doing, routines ...
Learning Style 3: Benchmarking. Other organizations learn by scanning how others operate and then trying to adopt and adapt this ...
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