Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Ethics: of executive behavior, 137–138; speaking
up about, 22
Evenius, 205
Executive coaching program, 323–324
Executive Development Associates (EDA), 173–174
Executive information system, 167–168
Executive positions in knowledge management,
44, 113
Executive search firm, knowledge management in,
Executives. SeeChief executive officers; Leaders;
Upper management
Expatriation, 328–329
Experience: knowledge defined as, 40, 45; strategies
for sharing, 45–48
Experience curve, 222
Experimentation: learning and, 68; as organiza-
tional learning style, 72, 76–77
Expertise: carriers of, 286–287, 290; coaching for,
166; communities of, 235–236; locating,
237–238, 263
Experts: annointing, 47; eliciting tacit knowledge
from, 274–275, 279, 286–287, 290, 294–295;
in financial service firms, 319–320; to identify
client needs, 225; inability of, to extract own
knowledge, 29, 294; interviewing, 238, 275;
self-awareness of, 275, 295
Explicit knowledge: defined, 211; document focus
and, 232–234; implicit or tacit knowledge
versus,13, 15–16, 56–57, 211–212, 235,
260–261, 273–275. See alsoCodified knowledge
Externally oriented cultures, 16
Face-to-face interaction: electronic communica-
tion versus,259–260; informal learning and,
94, 294–295, 296–298; for knowledge sharing,
61, 259–265, 287–288, 294–295, 296–298;
prevalence of, 94; for sharing expertise, 32,
274–275, 279, 286–287, 290, 294–295,
296–298; in site visits, 235; in strategic business
dialogue, 164; for tacit knowledge creation and
sharing, 260–262, 294–295, 296–298; tech-
niques of, 235–238, 260, 262–263. See also
Person-to-person interaction
Facilitators, of after-action reviews, 271
Faculty decision making, 284–288
Fads: cynicism about, 55; knowledge management
as, 45, 291
Failures: learning from, 143–144, 216–217,
258–259, 261; negative attitudes and,
247–248, 252
Familiarity: creativity and, 263–264; trust and,
228, 262–263
Family pressures, 172
“Faster, better, cheaper” slogan, 114, 115; knowl-
edge management application for, 116–119
Fear: of losing power, 261–262, 294; of technology,
248–249, 253
Federal Express/FedEx, 84, 196
Feedback: CEO’s learning from, 163, 165, 173;
formal versusinformal, 70; in leadership devel-
opment programs, 123, 306, 307; in learning
cycle, 70; in learning dissemination, 10

Feynman, R., 278
Fidelity, 273
Field of Dreams, 241
Fifth Discipline, The(Senge), 188
Filters, CEO, 172
Financial resources, in large corporations,
103–104, 110
Financial service firms: apprenticeship culture in,
320–323, 325; features of, 317–320; knowledge
management in, 317–330; leadership develop-
ment in, 320–330; obstacles in, 317–320;
professionals in, 319–320
Financial Times Knowledge Dialogue, 183
Firestone, 44–45
Fitz-Enz, J., 41
Five-minute rule, 180
Flat organization, 322
Flextronics, 81
Follow-up: in knowledge management change
initiatives, 250–251, 253; in leadership devel-
opment, 123–132
Food and Drug Administration, 261
Ford Motor Company, 44–45
Forgetting curve, 110
Formal education, 186, 190, 195
Formal knowledge management systems, 255–256
Formal learning: chief executive officers in,
168–169; integrating informal learning with,
98; methods of, 92
Fort Hill Company, 132
Fortune,46, 151
Forums: interaction-based, 46; in learning organi-
zation, 76
Forward-looking vision, 138
Frames of reference, 191–192
France and French culture, 14
Franklin, B., 227
Freedom to choose, 156, 239
Frequently asked questions (FAQs), 96
Friday5s, 124, 132
Front line staff, top-down/bottom-up knowledge
dilemma and, 16
Future focus, 23–24, 143–144, 258–259
Future trends, ability to anticipate, 138
FYI, 124
Galvin, B., 14, 105
Gandossy, R. P., 195, 207
Gartner, Inc., 100
Gates, B., 189
General Electric (GE), 44, 72, 105, 108, 286;
Session C approach of, 326, 327; WorkOut of,
GE Capital, 104
GE Crotonville, 33, 109, 321
General Motors: informal learning at, 95–96;
Isuzu and, 15–16
Generalization: creating opportunities for, 70, 71,
73–76; at individual level, 70; organizational
learning ability and, 66–67; at organizational
level, 73–76, 281–290; at team level, 71, 76.
See alsoKnowledge sharing
Gerstner, L., 197, 201–202


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