tions where you have to be assertive; need to use tremendous
physical exertion, such as in a foot race; or when you notice
yourself feeling powerless or withdrawn.
Tom, a young stock broker, described a situation that
taught him about his third tunnel. He began to notice that
every time he visited his high-powered and successful
older brother, Josh, he found himself crossing his arms
over his stomach area. All through their growing up
years, he had been dominated by Josh. And now Tom
was suspicious of how his solar plexis area felt whenever
they were together.
Intellectually, he had come to no conclusion, so he de-
cided to peek into the third tunnel with the help of his
power animal. What he saw confirmed that there indeed
was something going on. Just inside the entrance to that
tunnel, he found his brother Josh blocking his way. Josh
demanded a large sum of money from Tom to get past
him. It was as if Josh owned Tom's power and charged
him a fee for its use. Nothing had changed since those
younger days.
Tom instructed his power animal to clear Josh out and
keep him out. Next he printed his own name in large let-
ters all over the walls of the tunnel indicating his own
ownership. The next time he visited Josh, his solar plexus
felt fine. Interestingly, after a short time, Josh excused
himself, saying that he had forgotten another appoint-
The fourth tunnel is found in the vicinity of the heart and
chest areas. This opening is associated with emotion, affec-
tion, intimacy, self-esteem, and affinity for the environment.
The fourth tunnel forms a bridge between the upper three
spirit tunnels and the lower three and acts as a translator
between the two sets. The color associated with this center is
green and it forms the middle layer of your spirit self.
The shaman who attempts to journey through this tunnel
often finds signs and symbols of grief states that tend to
block this opening. Beyond these obstacles usually lie in-
spir(it)-ation and feelings of harmony and expansion.
Ever since Marjorie fought with her mother she noticed
that she simply could not connect with anyone. Although
she still felt that she was right, her self-esteem had fallen