Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

ally, or power animal. Meet your guardian at the entrance to
a tunnel. This tunnel will be the entrance to the opening in
the top of your head. Tell your ally that you wish to explore a
particular tunnel, or state the problem and then ask which
tunnel you should explore.
Accompanied or led by your ally, travel down the tunnel
until you reach the main branch tunnel at your forehead, also
called the sixth tunnel. If this is where you want to explore,
then follow your ally through that tunnel. Have your ally
remove or clear any blockages that you come across.
If you wish to proceed to one of the other tunnels, then
continue past this branch until you reach the branch you
want to explore, corresponding to your throat, heart, solar
plexus, abdomen, or base of your spine. You can then pro-
ceed down that tunnel and let it take you where it will. You
can count on the fact that you will encounter experiences and
information that relate to the issues you have stored in that
area of your body.
As always, return rapidly via the same route that you took
to arrive wherever you went. Always thank your ally for the
valuable services rendered.

Exercise #3: The Steps

  1. Lie down or sit comfortably. Relax and close your

  2. Request the help of your guardian or power animal.

  3. Meet your guardian at the entrance to the seventh
    tunnel (top of your head).

  4. State the problem. Identify the tunnel to be ex-
    plored or ask for assistance.

  5. Travel down to the appropriate tunnel.

  6. Explore the tunnel.

  7. Return by the same route.

  8. Thank your guardian.


Very few people are aware of the seven main spirit tun-
nels on a conscious level. However, if you watch people's
body language, you will notice that they often cover these
vulnerable openings with their hands, crossed arms, and legs.
How often do you see someone cross their arms over their
chest or solar plexus when they feel uncomfortable? Perhaps

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