Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

you nave noticed people fingering their throat areas when
doubtful about what to say or tapping their foreheads when
they are inwardly pondering something. Why do people bow
or bare their heads when they are praying or in the presence
of a higher authority? Why do people fold their hands over
their hearts when feeling devoted or focused on prayer?
Have you noticed that some people cross their legs tightly
and stick their hands in their laps when they are decidedly
nervous or anxious about something? These are all signs of
the unconscious spirit-tunnel monitoring that people do on a
daily basis. However, these unconscious physical methods of
covering up, warding off, or checking out are not nearly as
effective as consciously manipulating and guarding the tun-
nels with the help of your power animals.
In the shamanic perspective, information transfers from
one person to another person through the intensity of
thoughts and emotions. These thoughts and emotions are
generated by the activity in the various tunnels. To the sha-
manic way of thinking, the brain is just the physical organ
that organizes the communications.
The tunnels within a person's spirit body constantly ex-
change information among themselves via their connective
channels. At the same time, in the constant interchange of
communication from person to person, the tunnels act as
radio transmitters and receivers between people. Typically,
this exchange of communication is normal and nonthreaten-
ing, but occasionally a transmission is too intense or power-
ful for the other person's comfort. When this happens there
is an automatic physical response of discomfort or protec-
tion. You can see this response in a room where a highly
dominant individual, like a preacher, is berating a group of
people many of whom have their arms crossed over their
solar plexus.
This intense type of communication is not always obvious
to the naked eye. For example, you may end up with a se-
vere headache after you spend time with someone who is
quietly but intensely curious about what you know. They are
literally climbing through your sixth tunnel to see what you
see. This is unacceptably intrusive and should be guarded
against for your own health and balance. On the other hand,
you may wonder how someone that later turned out to be
such a heel so easily seduced you. These people know how to
open up your fourth tunnel and own it for themselves. Re-
member the story about the woman who got gastric pains
after dating a particular man? Perhaps you have awakened in
the middle of the night, unable to get someone you met off

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