Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1



Knowing about locations of power can be of tremendous
value to you if you set about using them with the proper
Personal power spots energize you and reduce your need
for rest and recuperation. They naturally balance and heal
you so that you can increase your productivity and enjoy-
ment of life.
They intensify your feelings, allowing you to release them
for emotional clearing and tension reduction.
Power locations are capable of inspiring you, energizing
and propelling your latent creativity to express new ideas and
Power spots raise your frequency level, making you less
vulnerable to illness, discouragement, and depression. You
are supported in feeling encouraged and ready to tackle
whatever is next for you.
Being aware of and searching for power spots keeps you
alert and sensitive to your environment. When you know
what is happening around you, you are in a position to be
more successful because you have the information you need.
Even though you cannot change the Earth's spirit body as
much as you can your own, you can still control to some
degree the potential influences the Earth's energy can have
on you. You can be sensitive to the power spots you should
seek out and those you should avoid.
Knowing about power spots helps you avoid places of po-
tential negativity so you can place yourself instead in ones
that positively influence you. There are "energy sinks" that
can drain you of energy, making you feel apathetic or listless.
It is best to avoid these areas.

Jack Pierson smiled as he headed up the highway in
his late-model sedan. As he approached the convention
center, he felt a twinge of anticipatory excitement. Here,
on the first day of the convention, was his chance to vali-
date his shamanic skills. He had already wrangled his
way onto the committee that was to decide where the
convention would be held this year. After checking out
numerous sites, he persuaded the committee to choose
the Bayview Convention Center even though it was not in
the "right" part of town. It was by far the most peaceful
and inspirational site of them all. And yet, it was nothing
really to look at.
Jack had been surprised when, five years ago, he had
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