Glossary of Medical Word Elements • APPENDIX A 553
Medical Word Medical Word
Element Meaning Element Meaning
mastoid/o mastoid process
maxill/o maxilla (upper jaw bone)
meat/o opening, meatus
medi- middle
medi/o middle
mediastin/o mediastinum
medull/o medulla
mega- enlargement
megal/o enlargement
-megaly enlargement
melan/o black
men/o menses, menstruation
mening/o meninges (membranes covering
the brain and spinal cord)
meningi/o meninges (membranes covering
the brain and spinal cord)
ment/o mind
meso- middle
meta- change, beyond
metacarp/o metacarpus (hand bones)
metatars/o metatarsus (foot bones)
-meter instrument for measuring
metr/o uterus (womb); measure
metri/o uterus (womb)
-metry act of measuring
mi/o smaller, less
micr/o small
micro- small
mono- one
morph/o form, shape, structure
muc/o mucus
multi- many, much
muscul/o muscle
mut/a genetic change
my/o muscle
myc/o fungus (plural, fungi)
mydr/o widen, enlarge
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord
myos/o muscle
myring/o tympanic membrane (eardrum)
myx/o mucus
narc/o stupor; numbness; sleep
nas/o nose
nat/o birth
natr/o sodium (an electrolyte)
necr/o death, necrosis
neo- new
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
neutr/o neutral; neither
nid/o nest
noct/o night
nucle/o nucleus
nulli- none
nyctal/o night
obstetr/o midwife
ocul/o eye
odont/o teeth
-oid resembling
-ole small, minute
olig/o scanty
-oma tumor
omphal/o navel (umbilicus)
onc/o tumor
onych/o nail
oophor/o ovary
-opaque obscure
ophthalm/o eye
-opia vision
-opsia vision
-opsy view of
opt/o eye, vision
optic/o eye, vision
or/o mouth
orch/o testis (plural, testes)
orchi/o testis (plural, testes)
orchid/o testis (plural, testes)
-orexia appetite
orth/o straight
-ory pertaining to
-ose pertaining to; sugar
-osis abnormal condition; increase (used
primarily with blood cells)
-osmia smell
oste/o bone
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