Word Elements Chapter Review
572 APPENDIX B• Answer Key
Medical Term Word Elements Meaning
- anoxia an- (P) without, not
-oxia (S) oxygen - apnea a- (P) without, not
-pnea (S) breathing - atelectasis atel (WR) incomplete; imperfect
-ectasis (S) dilation, expansion - bronchiole bronch/i* (CF) bronchus (plural, bronchi)
-ole (S) small, minute - bronchoscopy bronch/o (CF) bronchus (plural, bronchi)
-scopy (S) visual examination - cyanosis cyan (WR) blue
-osis (S) abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells) - endotracheal endo- (P) in, within
trache (WR) trachea
-al (S) pertaining to - epiglottitis epiglott (WR) epiglottis
-itis (S) inflammation - hypoxemia hyp- (P) under, below, deficient
ox (WR) oxygen
-emia (S) blood - laryngoscope laryng/o (WR) larynx
-scope (S) instrument for examining - pleurodynia pleur/o (CF) pleura
-dynia (S) pain - pneumectomy pneum (WR) air; lung
-ectomy (S) excision, removal - pneumothorax pneum/o (CF) air; lung
-thorax (S) chest - pulmonologist pulmon/o (CF) lung
-logist (S) specialist in the study of - polysomnography poly- (P) many, much
somn/o (CF) sleep
-graphy (S) instrument for recording - pyothorax py/o (CF) pus
-thorax (S) chest
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