Toes, bones of, 463
Tomography, 53
Tonic-clonic seizures, 434
Tonometry, 530f, 530
Tonsils, 109, 186
Tooth (Teeth), 219, 225
Toothache, 225
Torticollis, 487
Total hip arthroplasty, 475, 475f
Total mastectomy, 376
Toxic, 34, 252, 253, 396
Toxic goiter, 406, 406f, 430
Toxicologist, 396, 406
Toxicology, 252, 253, 406
Toxicopathy, 407
Toxicosis, 253
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS), 369
Toxin, 396
Trachea, 109, 118, 119
Tracheolaryngotomy, 119
Tracheomalacia, 118
Tracheopathy, 119
Tracheoplasty, 119
Tracheostenosis, 119
Tracheostomy, 109, 118, 119f
Tracheostomy tube, 119f
Tracheotomy, 119
Transdermal, 339
Transient ischemic attack, 435
Transmission, 65
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), 375
Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, 437,
Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP),
359–360, 360f, 377
Transverse colon, 238
Transverse rectus abdominis muscle
(TRAM) flap, 377, 378f
Trichomoniasis, 371
Trichomycosis, 75
Trichopathy, 65, 75
Trichosis, 75
Tricuspid valve, 166, 171
Troponin I test, 196
Tubercles, 130
Tuberculosis (TB), 130, 135
Tumor(s), blood, 339
fatty, 71
ovarian, 334
skin, 88f
Tuning fork test, 532
T wave, 177
Tympanic membrane, 519, 520
Tympanitis, 519
Tympanoplasty, 518, 535
Tympanostomy tubes, 535
Ulcer, 88f, 89, 227
Ulcerative colitis, 258
Ultrasonography (US), 52f, 53, 54f, 197,
253, 261, 309, 374, 375
Ultrasound. SeeUltrasonography (US)
Umbilical, 34, 47, 48
Umbilical region, 48
Umbilicus, 47
Underproduction, 399
Upper GI series, 260
Upper respiratory infection (URI), 522
Uremia, 280, 307
Ureteral stent, 312, 312f
Ureterorrhaphy, 290
Ureterostenosis, 280
Ureterovaginal fistula, 341
Ureter(s), 279f, 280, 285f, 289–295
Urethra, 280, 289–295, 299, 354
Urethral, 294
Urethralgia, 293
Urethral stricture, 294
Urethrectomy, 293
Urethritis, 293, 371
Urethrocele, 280
Urethrocystitis, 293
Urethropexy, 293
Urethroplasty, 293
Urethrorectal, 294
Urethroscope, 294
Urethroscopy, 294
Urethrotomy, 312
Urinalysis, 309
Urinary, 280
Urinary incontinence, 303
Urinary system, 277–327, 279f, 283f
abbreviations, 305
diagnostic procedures, 307–309
diseases and conditions, 305–307
therapeutic terms, 309–311
word elements, 320–321
Urinary tract, 280
Urinary tract infection (UTI), 293, 302
Urination, excessive, 302, 415
scanty, 302
Urogram, 308
Urography, 308
Urologist, 277, 303, 330
Urology, 277, 330
Urticaria, 89, 90f
Uterine retroversion, 333
Uterine tubes, 351–352
Uteropexy, 338
Uteroplasty, 338
Uteroscopy, 338
Uterovaginal, 332
Uterus, 332, 333, 334, 337, 338, 352,
Uvea, 511
Vagina, 332, 334, 335f, 340–341,
Vaginal, 346
Vaginal fistula, 342
Vaginal hysterectomy, 343
Vaginitis, 341
Vaginocele, 332
Vaginoplasty, 341
Vaginoscope, 341
Vaginotomy, 341
Valve(s), 171–172, 171f, 172f
Valvuloplasty, 200
Varicocele, 355
Varicose veins, 158, 170
Varicosities, 170
Vascular, 158, 169
Vascular surgeon, 155
Vascular tunic, 512
Vas deferens, 158, 354, 355, 358
Vasectomy, 355, 363–364, 363f, 383–384
Vasectomy reversal, 364
Vasomotor center, 422
Vasospasm, 158
Vasovasostomy, 364
Vein(s), 157, 158, 167, 168, 171, 171f,
Vena cava(ae), 162
Venereal disease, 351, 371
Venosclerosis, 168
Venospasm, 168
Venotomy, 168
Venous, 157, 186
Ventral, 32, 33, 34
Ventricle(s), 158, 163
Ventricular, 158, 164
Ventriculotomy, 163
Venule, 169
Vermillion border, 95
Verruca, 89
Vertebra(ae), 463, 476, 480, 481,
Vertebral, 463
Vertebral arch, 464
Vertebral column, 463, 480, 482, 483f
Vertebrectomy, 480
Vertebrocostal, 480
Vertebrosternal, 480
Vertical banded gastroplasty, 262
Vertigo, 530
Vertigo drugs, 535
Vesicle, 88f
Vesicocele, 280
Vesicoenteric, 290
Vesicovaginal fistula, 341, 342f
Vesiculitis, 355
Vessel(s), 158, 184
blood, 158
Vestibule, 520
Villi, 234
Visceral, 455
Vision, 509, 515
Visual acuity test, 531
Visual examination, 228, 233, 241
Vitamin D deficiency, 465, 470
Vitiligo, 89, 90f
Voice box, 109, 115
Voiding cystourography, 309
Volvulus, 260
Vomiting, 220, 247
Vulgaris, 98
Vulva, 330, 333, 345
Vulvitis, 345
Vulvopathy, 333, 345
Vulvouterine, 345
Wall-eye, 528f, 529
Wart, 89
Wax emulsifiers, 535
Weber test, 532
Western blot test, 197
Wheal, 88f, 89
Wheezes, 133
644 Index
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