Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture
a residence, an office or a factory... the need may be to read a book, operate a piece of machinery, or whatever. If it is possi ...
upon which the world relied, the coal and oil, had a finite life and once used were not replaceable. No doubt this would have be ...
If daylight is to be at the heart of this equation, then the use of energy for artificial lighting in buildings must be reduced ...
2 Environment Change and variety... modelling... orientation... sunlight... colour... view... health Various aspects of the envi ...
MODELLING Modelling of a shape derives from its physical form, whether round, square or otherwise, coupled with the way in which ...
architect to discuss this with his client, and there may also be conflict with the orientation of a room when associated with th ...
SUNLIGHT EFFECT In his major workSunlight as Formgiver for Architecture, Bill Lam asks the question... The Sun: Problem or Oppor ...
flexible nature to be available only when required, or if fixed, not to inhibit the view. One of the methods adopted to control ...
The same applies to office buildings, where people tend to have to stay in the same atmosphere all day; if workers are too far f ...
IMPORTANCE OF VIEW Although listed last amongst the environmental factors, the question of view is of special importance. The vi ...
There are some architectural programmes where it is thought that a view out may lead to a lack of concentration, as in a school ...
inhibiting the view-in but at night the situation will be reversed, and it may be necessary to resort to some form of blind or c ...
he emphasized that architects should select healthy sites for their buildings, and that careful design of buildings prevented il ...
3 Windows Windowshapes... rooflights... atriums... glazing... high tech glazing... window openings... symbolism... solar shading ...
alternatives to fully glazed windows in new domestic work, however inappropriate they may appear. Windows can broadly be divided ...
this was not enough, and the concept of the rooflight was developed to introduce daylight into interiors far from the side windo ...
Finally and in no chronological order comes the vertical window. Vertical windows were popular from the fourteenth century, havi ...
and weather. The early rooflights were perceived either as domes such as that at Chiswick House with ordinary windows in the sid ...
The advantages and disadvantages are set out in CIBSE LG10 indicating that the original shed roof, the cheapest solution, has se ...
The proportions of the atrium and the reflective capacity of the enclosing wall surfaces are critical, and those atria which are ...
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