Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

3.7 Formatted input and output 79

/*------loop over student grades----------------*/

while(file2 >> grade[i][j]) // read the grades
cout << setw(3) << right << grade[i][j] << " ";

cout << endl;
file2.clear(); // allow for more reads

}// end of loop over students


return 0;

An interesting feature of the code is the presence of two nestedwhile
loops of reads. When a false name-read is encountered, the outer loop is exited.
When a false grade-read is encountered, the inner loop is exited, and thecin
flag is cleared by issuing the command:


to allow for additional name readings.

If the filegrades.datcontains the data:

Johnson Bob 8 10
Kerr Jean 9 10 9
Wang J-Y 8 10 9

then the output on the screen is:

1 Johnson Bob 8 10
2 Kerr Jean 9 10 9
3 Wang J-Y 8 10 9


3.7.1.Print the value ofRANDMAXset by your compiler.

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