Frankfurt School began. In 1971, Horkheimer reflectively gave expression to his critical theory of society and religion’s purpos ...
Unlike positivism’s drive for the reduction of multiplicity (the “other”) to the mathematical point of immanence, equivalence an ...
the society and history. For the critical theory, being grounded in and expres- sive of the desperate cries of the innocent vict ...
logical conservative force of control and legitimization of the existing social systems of class exploitation and domination. Ac ...
(2002:171) materialistic conception of religion giving expression to real, con- crete human suffering and being a protest agains ...
God, which are the culturally legitimating corollary of the more essentially tabooed and hidden capitalist system of production. ...
Ideological Function What socio-historical role does religion, particularly the prophetic and Messianic religions of Judaism and ...
ment in society or, conversely, become politically active to redeem society from its narrowly conceived moral errs through its r ...
proletariat as a revolutionary force, was becoming systematically dulled by the incremental improvement of their material well-b ...
the attempt to overcome the causes of human suffering. The consciousness of shared suffering and the solidarity that it can prod ...
such an Infinite One that transcends the horror of this world. This notion of the totally Other and that which becomes “other” o ...
These negative commandments, i.e., “You shall not.. .,” are to lead the fol- lowers of Judaism to a dynamic, socio-historical pr ...
Truth of Religion For Horkheimer, the truth of real or good religion does not come as conso- lation to a person who is unjustly ...
can be said or known about God in either terms of faith or of reason. The critical theory of society and religion is not concern ...
By means of such a negative theology, which begins not with the notion of God but with the horror that is experienced in this wo ...
thought of a negative theology of the totally Other to which both Horkheimer and Adorno have granted a right within their critic ...
19:18; Matthew 22:39) – in terms of this Jewish collective understanding as being its original intent: “Love your neighbor, for ...
Jewish and Christian theology, which asserts that human beings are created in God’s image and thus, have free will. This religio ...
of capitalism, the world will remain as it is. Then, the terrifying neo-conser- vative pronouncement of capitalism being the “en ...
Resistance In 1970, Horkheimer stated that we do not yet live in a totally administered society. Although the dominant social pr ...
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