(Ann) #1

390 • Index

American gun culture, 330
Amos, 210, 211
anal-compulsive character, 296
anamnestic solidarity, 71
ancient Judaism
the Babylonian exile, 211
critical dialectical/conflict approach
to Biblical history, 205–6
cult monopoly established by
Jerusalem priests, 208
the divided monarchy, 209–11
formation of plebeian class, 208
as a history of the development of
rationalism, 215
messianic belief in freedom and
equality and opposition to the
polytheistic master morality, 222
relation to political power, 221
return out of exile, 212–13
Roman occupation and the emergence
of Christianity, 213–21
separation of powers among king,
prophet, and priest, 207
slave revolt against the Egyptians, 206
split into Talmudic Judaism and
Christianity, 215
tactics used against the Canaanites
equivalent to ethnic cleansing, 206–7
the tribal confederacy and the united
Monarchy, 206, 207
Anderson, Elijah, 350
Angus, 239
anomie, 244
Anslem of Canterbury, 69
anti-colonialism, 296
anti-fascism, 87–99
anti-liberalism, 93–94
Antiochus, King, 213
anti-positivism, 71–77
anti-Semitic propaganda, name-calling
device, 88–89
Appleby, R. Scott, 318
Arab intellectuals, 300
Ariès, Philippe
analysis of western attitudes toward
death, 181
on avoidance of reality of death, 187
Aristotelian-Hegelian conception of
science, 58
Aristotle, 44, 46
Arrow, Kenneth J., 163–64
artes moriendi(the art of dying well), 182
Arthur, Chris, 32, 58
Asad, Talal, 163
asceticism, 232, 299, 335
lack of in Islam, 296, 307

valorized in Christianity, 293
Weber ’s view of, 295
Assemblies of God (Pentecostal)
Churches, 5, 249, 256, 262
“baptism in the Spirit,” 263
“born again,” 263
“Fundamental Truths,” 260–62
importance of social practices to the
individual faith experience, 258, 261
pastors discern the nature of spiritual
messages, 266
practice variations correspond to the
race and social class aspirations of
the membership, 259, 280
prophesying, 250, 254
religious expressions are accepted as
legitimate when practice details are
not recognized, 259
scriptural supports for beliefs, 264–67
speaking in tongues, 6, 250, 254, 262,
263, 264–67, 272, 280
Spiritual baptism, 264
stance on speaking in tongues, 263
worship as an orderly social
phenomenon, 259–62
See alsoreligious practices
Assyrians, 211
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal, 309, 315
atheism, 66
Atta, Muhammad, 326
Aufheben, 19
Augustinian Seven Point Just War
Theory, 98
Auschwitz, 67
Ausdruck, 23
authoritarianism, 326–27
authoritarian personality, 2, 6
autonomy, 198
Ayyubids, 306
Baal cult, 209
Baal Shem Tov, 105
“baby doping,” 15–16, 23, 26
Baghdad, 302, 305, 307
Bainbridge, William Sims, pendulum
theory of secularization, 344
Bardis, 305
Barmen Declaration, 91
Barraclough, Geoffrey, 234
Barth, Karl, 87
Bathsheeba, 208
A Beautiful Mind,4, 152, 153–56, 157,
159, 162, 163, 170, 172, 177
“beautiful soul,” 172, 177
Becker, Ernest, 187
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 62
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