(Ann) #1

402 • Index

original sin, doctrine of, 147
Orwell, George, 73
abstract negation of, 127
and inverse cipher theology, 102
longing for totally other, 62–63, 64, 65,
66, 76, 78, 128
radical objectivity of, 68–69
semblance of in the smallest
existential detail, 70
Ott, Michael, 4, 343
Ottoman Caliphate, 306, 331
Ottoman Empire, 306

paganism, 5
assimilated into Christian culture,
224, 231, 235, 236, 242
cost of, 234
as a cultural tradition, 241–42
endured under Christian oppression,
234, 237–38, 241
Pakistan, 314, 315
Palestinian intifada, 300
Pan-Arab socialism, 310
Papes, Richard, 325
parekbasis, 53
Parkes, Colin Murray, 191
Parsonian structural-functionalism, 80
Parsons, Talcott, 65, 71, 226
patriarchy, 317
patrimonialism, 294
Paul, Saint, 36, 215, 219, 220, 232
pendulum theory of secularization, 344
Pentateuch, 145
Pentecostals. SeeAssemblies of God
(Pentecostal) Churches
perfect justice, 99–106, 104
Perkins, Tony, 95
Persian Safavids, 306
Peruzzis, 305
Peter, 215
Pharisees, 216, 217
phenomenology, 1
Pilate, 218
pilgrimage, 41
Plato, 312
political economy, critique of, 3, 32,
44–51, 55, 290, 291
political Islam. SeeIslamic
polytheism, 235
Pope John Paul II, 98
Popper, Carl, 71
popular sovereignty, 312
positive religion, 76
positive science, 110

positivism, 1, 4, 78, 106
and critical theory of society, 61, 62,
63, 127–28
mythology and metaphysics, 74
and neo-positivism, 95
and religion, 73–74
scientist as functionary, 75
vs.dialectical thought, 128
positivist sociology, 106
postmetaphysical thinking, 5, 186
postmodern death, 183, 184
attitudes toward death, 5
contradictory use of religious
language and mixed ritual practice
and medical technology, 190
individuals encouraged to relate
through fantasy rather than
sustained communicative action,
narratives of, 185
rejuvenation of religion, 188–89
resistance to the bureaucratization of
dying and grief, 199
revival of the sacred in terms of the
individual, 195
“spirituality” as a preferential
discourse for dealing with, 185
transfer of responsibility for death
from the community to the
individual, 190, 194, 197–200
encouragement to develop a personal
religious narrative, 192
postmodern religion
Protestant Christianity, 200
postmodern religion, contradictory
blend of modernism and traditional
forms of thought, 189
postmodern thanatology, 194–201
poverty, negatively correlated with
attendance at religious services, 350
powerlessness, 328, 330
pragmatism, 108–9
praising, 250, 254, 271
pre-fascist ideology, 92
prima philosophia, 83–84
primitive accumulation, 49, 51
Primordial Christian Apocalyptic
Paradism, 76
Prinz, A. M., 39
dialectics of, 18
universal suffering of, 19
prophesying, 250, 254
prophet of doom, 209
Protestant Fundamentalism, 2
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