Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1


In the Tuning tab of Control System Tuner, select New Goal > Transient response
matching to create a Transient Goal.

Command-Line Equivalent

When tuning control systems at the command line, use TuningGoal.Transient to
specify a step response goal.

Response Selection

Use this section of the dialog box to specify input, output, and loop-opening locations for
evaluating the tuning goal.

  • Specify response inputs

Select one or more signal locations in your model at which to apply the input. To
constrain a SISO response, select a single-valued input signal. For example, to
constrain the transient response from a location named 'u' to a location named 'y',
click Add signal to list and select 'u'. To constrain a MIMO response, select
multiple signals or a vector-valued signal.

  • Specify response outputs

Select one or more signal locations in your model at which to measure the transient
response. To constrain a SISO response, select a single-valued output signal. For
example, to constrain the transient response from a location named 'u' to a location
named 'y', click Add signal to list and select 'y'. To constrain a MIMO
response, select multiple signals or a vector-valued signal. For MIMO systems, the
number of outputs must equal the number of outputs.

  • Compute the response with the following loops open

Select one or more signal locations in your model at which to open a feedback loop for
the purpose of evaluating this tuning goal. The tuning goal is evaluated against the
open-loop configuration created by opening feedback loops at the locations you
identify. For example, to evaluate the tuning goal with an opening at a location named
'x', click Add signal to list and select 'x'.

Transient Goal
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