Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
Change Requirements with Operating Condition......... 11-42
Define Variable Tuning Goal........................ 11-42
Enforce Tuning Goal at Subset of Design Points ......... 11-44
Exclude Design Points from systune Run.............. 11-45

Validate Gain-Scheduled Control Systems.............. 11-46
Examine Tuned Gain Surfaces...................... 11-46
Visualize Tuning Goals............................ 11-46
Check Linear Performance ......................... 11-49
Validate Gain Schedules in Nonlinear System........... 11-50

Gain-Scheduled Control of a Chemical Reactor.......... 11-52

Tuning of Gain-Scheduled Three-Loop Autopilot......... 11-70

Trimming and Linearization of the HL-20 Airframe....... 11-86

Angular Rate Control in the HL-20 Autopilot............ 11-95

Attitude Control in the HL-20 Autopilot - SISO Design ... 11-104

Attitude Control in the HL-20 Autopilot - MIMO Design .. 11-116

MATLAB Workflow for Tuning the HL-20 Autopilot...... 11-127

Loop-Shaping Design


Structure of Control System for Tuning With looptune..... 12-2

Set Up Your Control System for Tuning with looptune...... 12-4
Set Up Your Control System for looptunein MATLAB....... 12-4
Set Up Your Control System for looptune in Simulink...... 12-4

Tune MIMO Control System for Specified Bandwidth...... 12-6

Decoupling Controller for a Distillation Column ......... 12-13

Tuning of a Digital Motion Control System .............. 12-25

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