Specify the target bandwidth in the Target bandwidth (rad/sec) field. The target
bandwidth is the target value for the 0-dB gain crossover frequency of the tuned open-
loop response CP, where P is the plant response, and C is the controller response. This
crossover frequency roughly sets the control bandwidth. For a desired rise-time τ, a good
guess for the target bandwidth is 2/τ.
In the Target phase margin (degrees) field, specify a target minimum phase margin for
the tuned open-loop response at the crossover frequency. The target phase margin
reflects desired robustness of the tuned system. Typically, choose a value in the range of
about 45°– 60°. In general, higher phase margin improves overshoot, but can limit
response speed. The default value, 60°, tends to balance performance and robustness,
yielding about 5-10% overshoot, depending on the characteristics of your plant.
For more details about these settings, click Help.
Tune and Validate Controller Gains
Click Tune to initiate the frequency-response estimation experiment. While the estimation
experiment is running, the tuner:
- Closes the open PID Controller block.
- Clears any previous tuning results displayed in the tuner dialog box.
- Replaces the PID Controller block in your model with an unnamed subsystem.
NoteWhen the estimation experiment is completed or canceled, the tuner restores the
PID Controller block. This process might result in some displacement of signal wires on
the model canvas, and puts your Simulink model in a state with unsaved changes.
When the estimation experiment ends, the tuner computes new PID gains and displays
them in the Tuning Results section of the dialog box. (For more information about the
tuning results, click Help.)
7 PID Controller Tuning