Thiolates, 4t, 5t, 6t, 82, 173
cytochrome c oxidase and, 445,
cytochrome P450 and, 368, 370,
373–374, 380–382
Thymine (T), 47, 49t, 50f, 54, 61, 141
Tin (Sn), 2, 7t
To p o i s o m er a s e , 5 4
Total correlation spectroscopy
(TOCSY), 112–116, 118
Toxicity, elements, 2, 3f, 189, 190 –191t,
Trace metals, essential, 1–2
Transcription, 53–57, 54f, 59, 141, 238
zinc fi nger proteins and, 64–72
Transferases, 22, 24, 45, 455
Transfer RNA (tRNA), 54–56, 239, 241,
Transition metals, 3, 4, 11, 13–18, 19, 23,
138, 141
biological functions, 3–6, 4t, 5t, 6t
coordination geometr y, 14 –16, 14f,
15f, 18t
electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR), 125, 129
high spin, low spin d electron
confi guration, 17–18, 17f, 18f
Jahn-Teller effects, 10 –11, 18, 126,
163, 178
ligand fi eld stabilization energy,
LFSE, 11, 15, 18
molecular modeling, molecular
mechanics and, 161–162, 164, 174,
176, 178 –179
number of d electrons, 14
spectrochemical series, 16
Translation, 53–57, 54f, 77, 141, 148, 153,
Transmission electron microscopes,
Transverse relaxation time, T 2 , see
nuclear magnetic resonance,
relaxation time
Trifl uoperazine, 308–313, 310f, 312f
Troponin, 3, 44, 194, 301–302, 306, 338
Tryptophan (trp, W), 30, 31f, 40, 209,
211, 222, 358, 424, 427
calmodulin and, 314, 314–215t, 316–
321, 324–325
cytochrome bc 1 and, 397, 398f, 399,
400t, 402–405
cytochrome c and, 408, 410 –417,
potassium ion channels and, 222–223
Trypsin, 40, 42, 151, 195, 301
T- state, see Hemoglobin
Two-dimensional correlation
spectroscopy (COSY), 112–116,
113f, 118
Tyrosine (tyr, Y), 32f, 33f, 38, 40, 56,
203, 358, 427, 459
cytochrome b(6)f and, 386, 387t
cytochrome bc 1 and, 397, 399, 400t,
cytochrome c and, 408–409, 409f, 410,
cytochrome c oxidase and, 425, 429–
431, 433f, 434, 434f, 435, 436f,
437–440, 440f, 442f, 445
cytochrome P450 and, 364f, 366, 370,
potassium ion channels and, 209, 211,
zinc fi ngers and, 64, 64f, 67
Ubiquinone, 170, 386, 388–392, 388f,
395, 397–399, 398f, 400t, 401t,
U.S. Department of Energy, Human
Genome Program, 61
Uptake factor, 8–9
Uracil (U), 47, 49t, 246, 275
UV-visible spectroscopy, 79,142, 144,
cytochrome bc 1 and, 395–397, 398f,
399, 400t, 402–405
cytochrome c and, 411, 417, 421
cytochrome c oxidase and, 434, 437,
cytochrome P450 and, 373, 376
Valence electrons, in metal clusters, 21
Valine (Val, V), 30, 31f, 38, 40, 211, 230,
319, 346, 350, 351, 374, 420
Ca2+-ATPase and, 332, 332f, 332t, 335
calmodulin and, 304, 308, 310, 316,
319, 320, 325
Na+/K+-ATPase and, 201