Capricorn 177
Virgo. The signs from Gemini to Virgo are located along
the spinal column from the throat-centre to the solar
plexus, but only as expressions and activity of the chakras.
The four signs from Sagittarius to Psices are located
within, not along the spinal column on the plane of the
lotuses, while at the same time serving as parts of the
lower limbs. For this reason they are of double nature.
This double nature finds its fullest expression in
Capricorn, which is located as the higher activity of the
lotus between the throat-centre and the heart-centre.
Many schools of yoga do not recognise the existence of
this lotus. This lotus is called the seat of Na-ra-yan.a (the
highest Spirit above creation). The Lord within the chakra
of the heart-centre is much different from the Lord within
the lotus of the heart. The Lord within the chakra is called
Va-sude-va (the twelve-syllabled name of God who sacrifices
Himself to dwell within the wheel), while the Lord in the
lotus is called Na-ra-yan.a (the path of waters or the Lord
who lives around and within the wheel and also is the
activity of the wheel). Unfortunately this distinction is not
noticed by many students of the spiritual path and the
result is that the main keys in the Ve-dic mantrams,
Bha-gavatha and Vishn.u Pura-n.a are lost.
Sankaracharya and Ramanujacharya explained
these things thoroughly. Capricorn is thus the seat of the
Lord in the lotus. The spiritual student who is born in
this sign has his path of direct yoga by meditating upon
this symbol near his heart. The lotus should be of milk-
white colour and Na-ra-yan.a of indigo colour, seated in it.
The description of Na-ra-yan.a and Va-sude-va also is the same
as that of Vishn.u in the Bha-gavatha. Na-ra-yan.a in man is
called “the spiritual microcosm” by the Masters who gave
out the formula through H.P.B.