The Three Great Centres 27
in tune with its higher forces. These three phases are
symbolised by the above said three forces of the planetary
level. When the mind is turned inwards, the objective
world does not exist. It is objective darkness and subjective
light. What is darkness to the mundane man is therefore
the true light of the spiritualist. What is darkness to the
physical eye is but true light to the third eye that awakens
in us when the mind merges within. The time-key to this
subjective light is the new Moon. That is why the
commentary* says that the new Moon is the gateway
between the outer man and the inner man, while the Moon
acts as a bolt. In such a way the Sun and the Moon work
through their apparent angles as seen from this earth, as
the true symbols of subjectivity and objectivity of man.
The new Moon and the full Moon denote the subjective
and the objective reflections of the inner man.
- Satapatha Bra-hman.a