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The Measures of Time in the Zodiac 77

many minutes in an hour, etc. Here we get the
influence of the planetary cycles on the zodiac. A
period of 60 years forms a different cycle for some
specific purposes in the Ve-dic and Pura-n.ic
calculations of time. This period of 60 years is further
divided into 12 sets of five years each. Each set is
called a Yuga, in a different sense though.
It is a matter of great importance that the
periodicities of various planets along the geo-centric
zodiac follow correspondences. For example, the annual
Sun takes 30 days to complete a sign. The Moon takes 30
days to complete a round. Saturn takes 30 years to
complete the same round. The days of the Moon agree
with the years of Saturn. This is the origin of the method
of progressing the planets to read a horoscope. The seeds
of Karma sown speedily in one life in the subtler planes
are reaped slowly through bigger periods of time in the
grosser planes. Every type of calculation has many hidden
principles underlying it. Every periodicity in the zodiac
is ever varying while the variations themselves are
periodical. Variation and diversity appear on the surface-
phenomena; correlation and unity exist at the base and
constitute the frame. The true occultist gradually works
out the correspondences, discovers the correlations, feels
the unity, transcends the diversity and gains mastery. This
includes the path of liberation from the limitations of the
zodiac, planets and the solar system. At the cosmic level
there is the aid of the hierarchy with their seven a-shrams
and beyond this, the disciple has the Shamballa where
the help of the lord Sanat Kuma-ra and Maitre-ya is ever
assured for the eventual transcendence.

These various concepts about the zodiacal wisdom
are absolutely necessary before the student can aspire to
study the symbolism of each of the twelve signs.

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