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84 Spiritual Astrology

Shamballa. This shows that the Kali Yuga, like the solar
year, has its beginning and its ending in the sign Aries.
The lord of this zodiacal sign is Mars in the planetary level
and Kumara in the cosmic level. That is why the
Pura-n.as call Mars in Aries by the name Kuma-ra who is
also the Lord Subrahman.ya.

The inner contents of the head form the seat not only
of the mind but also of the buddhi. For this reason the ruler
of Aries is Mercury for a man of the spiritual path. The
head contains the pineal gland and the pituitary body.
They form the counterpart of the village Shamballa where
the path to the Lord is paved as the higher bridge linking
these two centres. This bridge is called the birth place of
Indra (Indra Yoni). The construction of this bridge
comprises of the two other signs Taurus and Pisces. The
Pleiades and the stars of the constellation of the Fish
cooperate in this process. At this stage the Hierarchy
works into the disciple. When the disciple has reached
this level of cosmic consciousness, he is one with the
Hierarchy. For him therefore the ruler of the sign Aries is
Uranus. To sum up the whole process of transformation,
the phenomena can be tabulated in the following manner:

  1. For the man of individual and the personal levels
    the ruler of the sign is Mars.

  2. For the disciple who is in the planetary and the solar
    levels, the lord of Aries is Mercury.

  3. For the Hierarchy at Shamballa and their disciples
    who live in the cosmic plane, the ruler is Uranus.

The ring of the ecliptic is geometrically a circle and
numerically a zero. A beginning and an ending of the
circle is the beginning and ending of zero. Hence the

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