74 Single-phase a.c. circuits
Figure 4.8
according to Faraday's law, an emf will be induced in it, given by
e = -L(di/dt). Thus e - -Ld(Im sin o~t)/dt = -L(Imo9 cos o90, so
e = - wLIm cos oJt (4.9)
The maximum value of this waveform is oJLIm and as it is a minus cosine it is
zr/2 (90 ~ behind the current wave. The direction of this emf is such as to
oppose the current in accordance with Lenz's law, so the supply voltage V must
be equal and opposite to E.
Thus the supply voltage is represented by v - wLIm cos ~ot, which is zr/2 (90 ~
ahead of the current wave (cos 00t = sin (ox + zr/2). In a purely inductive circuit
therefore the current lags the supply voltage by zr/2 (90~ The waveforms and
the phasor diagram are shown in Fig. 4.9(a) and (b), respectively.
e v
(a) Waveforms (b) Phasor diagram
Figure 4.9
The maximum value of the voltage wave is Vm = wLIm. Dividing Vm and Im by
~/2 gives V- wLI, where V and I are now the rms values. Dividing both sides
by I we have
VII = ~oL (4.10)
Now ~oL is written XL and is called the inductive reactance of the inductor. Its
unit is the volt per ampere (the ohm) and because XL = o~L = 2zrfL it varies
with frequency. The graphs of Fig. 4.10 show how the inductive reactance and
the current vary with frequency in the circuit of Fig. 4.8.
Note that as
f~O so XL~O and I~