Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

was not to be given superiorty over Moses by his followers (SB 4:410). As
Aaron was to Moses, so Ali is to Muhammad (SB 5:46). Muhammad once coughed when saying his name while reciting Q 23:45 (SM 1: 246). Nauf al-Bikali does not believe the Moses of Q 18 to be the prophet Moses; Nauf is called an enemy of God (SB 6:211). TABARI: He and Israel returned to settle in Egypt after the exodus (3:10). He met a prophet (al-Khidr) after re-settlement in Egypt (3:10). He was a year younger than Aaron (3:33). He was taken up to God on a horse and stayed 40 days (3:72). Moses was accused of killing Aaron (3:86). SUYUTI: Moses is described as being the son ofImran the son of Yashkur the son of Fahas the son of Levi the son
of Jacob. He lived 120 years and a physical description of him is given

Pharaoh - (Firaun)Pharaoh - (Firaun)Pharaoh - (Firaun)Pharaoh - (Firaun) The word is not Arabic and probably from Syriac; it
was known to be a title. Since it does not appear in the story of Joseph
(Qur'an 12) it may not have been known prior to Muhammad (Vocabulary,
p. 225). QUR'AN: Pharaoh used the punishment of crucifixion (20:74).
Pharaoh considered himself to be God (26:28). Pharaoh and his people are
destroyed because they accused Moses and Aaron of lying (23:50). Pharaoh
tried to scare the Israelites out of the land [of Egypt] (17:105). Pharaoh's
wife adopts Moses (28:8). Moses appears before Pharaoh and Haman
(28:29f). Pharaoh repents, becomes a Muslim and is saved from the closing
sea (10:90f). Pharaoh's wife prayed to be saved from him (66:11).
HADITH: His wife Asiya is mentioned as one of the three women who had
attained perfection (SB 7:244). TABARI: His name was al-Walid b.
Mus`ab (3:31). He married an Israelite woman named Asiya, who adopted
Moses (3:32). His horses were deceived to follow Israel into the sea
(3:64f) SUYUTI: ---.

Satan - (Shaytan)Satan - (Shaytan)Satan - (Shaytan)Satan - (Shaytan) The word is probably not of Arabic origin, but rather
owing to Christian influence; it predates Muhammad (Vocabulary p. 187 f).
QUR'AN: The Qur'an is not the word of a stoned Satan (81:25). Satan
deceives Adam and his wife (20:118 developed later in 7:19f) and says he
will lead (Adam) to the tree of Eternity (20:118). HADITH: He touched all
humans at birth except for Mary and Jesus (SB 4:324). Gabriel took the

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