Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

Schwally offer no suggestion as to where the remaining verses of sura 96
should be placed.

[119] 96:18 - cf. Op. Syr. III, 237, 244, 624 (Ephraem); the word »À³\^{
also comes from Ephraem (Op. Syr. III, 237, 244); see Jeffery, Vocabulary,
p. 148. See Appendix F, p. 410.

[120] Ahrens ("Christliches," ZDMG, 84 (1930), p. 55) thinks this came
from Christianity and cites Baumstark as maintaining Muhammad had seen
something about this in a Christian picture. Cf. Andrae, Ursprung, p. 68.

[121] Andrae, Ursprung, pp. 181 f; Ahrens, "Christliches," ZDMG, 84
(1930), pp. 63 f.

[122] See Appendix D, p. 364.

[123] Cf. 80:3,7; 87:14; and especially 2:123,146; 3:158; etc. See also
n. 183, below.

[124] See n. 95, above.

[125] See Appendix F, p. 410.

[126] The codex of Ibn Mas`ud; see Jeffery, Materials, p. 107.

[127] Cf. 77:8-10 with Rev. 6:12-14; 77:46 - cf. Lk. 12:19f. See Appendix
F, p. 410.

[128] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 143, 165.

[129] The original source for this word was, of course, the Hebrew; see
Jeffery, Vocabulary, pp. 105 f.

[130] (Op. Syr. III, 563 f; Ephraem): "Whoever has held himself from
wine until his departure will be awaited by the grapevines of Paradise with
longing. Each of them extends its hanging grapes out to him. And if
someone had lived in virginity, they (fem.) receive him into their pure
bosoms, because he as a monk did not fall into the bed and bosom of
earthly love." (trans. from Andrae, Ursprung, p. 148); cf. Andrae,
Mohammed, p. 88.

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