MATLAB Creating Graphical User Interfaces

(Barry) #1

14 Examples of UIs Created Programmatically

View the Example Code

To obtain copies of the program files for this example, follow these steps:

1 Set your current folder to one to which you have write access.
2 Copy the example code and display it in the Editor by issuing the following MATLAB

copyfile(fullfile(docroot, 'techdoc','creating_guis',...
fileattrib('tableplot.m', '+w');
edit tableplot.m

Set Up and Interact with the uitable

This example has one file, tableplot.m, that contains its main function plus two local
functions (uicontrol callbacks). The main tableplot function creates a figure and
populates it with uicontrols and one axes.

The function hides the figure's menu bar because it is not needed.

% Create a figure that will have a uitable, axes and checkboxes
figure('Position', [100, 300, 600, 460],...
'Name', 'TablePlot',... % Title figure
'NumberTitle', 'off',... % Do not show figure number
'MenuBar', 'none'); % Hide standard menu bar menus

The main tableplot function sets up the uitable immediately after loading a data
matrix into the workspace. The table's size adapts to the matrix size (matrices for
uitables must be 1-D or 2-D).

% Load some tabular data (traffic counts from somewhere)
count = load('count.dat');
tablesize = size(count); % This demo data is 24-by-3

% Define parameters for a uitable (col headers are fictional)
colnames = {'Oak Ave', 'Washington St', 'Center St'};
% All column contain numeric data (integers, actually)
colfmt = {'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric'};
% Disallow editing values (but this can be changed)
coledit = [false false false];
% Set columns all the same width (must be in pixels)
colwdt = {60 60 60};
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