The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Friendship 269

self-disclosure is an important, if not the most
important, feature of intimacy for both men
and women. However, men are more likely
than women to incorporate shared experiences
into their conceptualizations of intimacy. Stud-
ies of intimacy have neglected the fact that we
can be engaged in self-disclosure and shared
activities simultaneously. Two men may be dis-
cussing problems with their girlfriends while
fixing a car: How are these episodes classi-
fied—as self-disclosure or as shared activities?
According to Reis and Shaver (1988), intimacy
involves revealing one’s innermost self, which
can be accomplished via self-disclosure or
shared activities. Intimacy is not a static state
but a process. This means that self-disclosure
alone is not sufficient to establish intimacy.
The partner’s response to the self-disclosure is
just as important as the self-disclosure itself to
the intimacy of an interaction. Reis and Shaver
suggest that intimate interactions are ones that
lead to feeling understood, validated, and cared
for. Both self-disclosure and shared activities
could accomplish this.

FIGURE 8.6 Self-disclosure is the most important determinant of intimacy
for women and men. However, self-disclosure is relatively more important to
women than men, and men’s definitions of intimacy include shared activities.

Conceptions of Intimacy
Women Men

Shared Activities

Self-Disclosure Intimacy Self-Disclosure Intimacy


■ Females have closer same-sex friendships than males.
■ The lack of closeness in male same-sex friendships is
not due to men being incapable of intimacy; instead,
men prefer not to behave intimately with their same-
sex friends.
■ The similarities in women’s and men’s definitions of
intimacy greatly outweigh the differences.


The primary reason that women’s friend-
ships are viewed as closer than men’s
friendships is because women self-disclose
more than men. Let’s take a more in-depth
look at the literature on self-disclosure.
Do women self-disclose more than men
about everything? To whom do people self-
disclose—women or men? Are there any situ-
ational factors that influence self-disclosure?

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