The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Romantic Relationships 315

disapprove of extramarital affairs (Sprecher,
2006). Although attitudes toward sex in gen-
eral and sex before marriage have become
more liberal over the past few decades, at-
titudes toward extramarital affairs have not
changed and remain negative. Among women,
93% believe that extramarital sex is wrong or
almost always wrong, whereas the correspond-
ing figure for men is nearly as high—89%
(Thornton & Young-DeMarco, 2001). Nearly
two-thirds (64%) of both men and women
say that they would not forgive their spouse
for having an affair and would likely divorce
(Jones, 2008). However, research also shows
that the relationship is more likely to end
after women than men have affairs (Brand et al.,
2007; Fisher et al., 2008). Although both col-
lege women and men equally value monogamy
in a mate and believe that it is important for a
relationship, men are more likely than women
to view monogamy as a sacrifice (Schmookler &
Bursik, 2007).

role theory, the sex difference in mate-poach-
ing was reduced in countries that provided
greater access to resources for women.
Men seem to draw the line at sex when
the mate is already married. That is, the vast
majority of both women and men in the
United States as well as many other countries


Sexual Double Standard

Ask a group of men and women to rate
the acceptability of sexual intercourse for a
man and a woman involved in various lev-
els of relationship commitment (e.g., met
at a party, dating for six months, engaged).
Do women or men hold a double stan-
dard (i.e., believe sex is more acceptable
for women than for men) at any particular
stage of a relationship?

Predicted Peer Acceptance

Adolescent Sexual Double Standards

None 1–2 3–8 8
Number of Sexual Partners






FIGURE 9.6 There is a linear relation between number of sexual partners and peer acceptance for
male targets. Acceptance for female targets did not differ between 0, 1-2, and 3-8 sexual partners but
dramatically decreased for more than 8 sexual partners.
Source: Kreager & Staff, 2009

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