The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Romantic Relationships 325

which may make them more responsive to
others’ emotions (Larson & Pleck, 1999).

Sexual Orientation. There is a stereotype
that gay men and lesbians have less well-
functioning relationships. However, the re-
search does not support this claim (Peplau &
Fingerhut, 2007). The vast majority of stud-
ies shows that gay men and lesbians are as
committed and satisfied with their relation-
ships as heterosexuals (Herek, 2006; Peplau &
Fingerhut, 2007). Laboratory research has
shown that gay and lesbian relationships are
similar to that of married individuals in terms
of self-reports of the quality of the relationship,
observations of interactions, and physiologi-
cal reactivity to those interactions (Roisman et
al., 2008). In a 10-year longitudinal study of the
relationships of gay men, lesbians, and hetero-
sexuals with and without children, relationship
satisfaction remained the same over the 10 years
for lesbians, declined and then returned to the
initial state among gay men, declined somewhat
and then leveled off for heterosexuals without
children, and steadily declined among hetero-
sexuals with children, as shown in Figure 9.8

men than men are by women is due to some-
thing about women or something about men.
One such study showed that one partner’s
emotion during a conflict discussion was re-
lated to the other partner’s relationship sat-
isfaction among lesbian couples but not gay
male couples (Gottman Levenson, Gross,
et al., 2003). Similarly, one partner’s sadness
while discussing the events of the day was re-
lated to lower relationship satisfaction for the
other partner among lesbian couples, but not
gay male couples. Thus, it appears that all of
these findings suggest that women are more
strongly affected than men by their partners.
Why are women more affected than
men by what is happening with their part-
ner? Aspects of the female and male gender
roles provide some clues. Women are social-
ized to focus on others, which may explain
why others’ feelings and behavior influence
women’s feelings and behavior. By contrast,
men are socialized to focus on the self, which
may explain why it is only attributes of the
self that determine men’s feelings and be-
havior. In addition, women are more skilled
than men in detecting another’s emotions,

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Year of Cohabitation

Mean Relationship Quality

Type of Couple

FIGURE 9.8 Relationship Quality over 10 Years of Cohabitation Among Lesbians,
Gay Men, Heterosexuals without Children, and Heterosexuals with Children.
Source: Kurdek, 2008a

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