autonomic arousal, 73
autonomic nervous system (ANS), 282
Bartlett, Frederick, 157
baseball, 29, 181
BASES, see British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
basketball, 90, 153, 180–1, 207, 208, 262
Bassett, Dave, 197
Baumeister, Roy, 93–4
Bayern Munich, 115
BBC, 20, 30
Beckenbauer, Franz, 181, 195
Beckett, Samuel, 219
aggressive, 43;
planning, 182;
Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change (TTM), 246–50;
see also exercise behaviour
behaviourist manifesto, 138
Best, George, 153
bio-informational theory, 144, 147–8, 282
biofeedback, 282
Bird, Dr William, 230
Board of Sport Psychologists (Australia), 16, 17
boredom susceptibility, 65
bowling, 91
BPS. see British Psychological Society
brain imaging, 111, 132–4, 141, 285
brainstorming, 282
break time, 97
Bristow, Eric, 90, 92, 165–6
Britain, 29
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), 6, 25–6, 27
British football, 30–1
British Open Championships, 1970 (golf), 116
British Psychological Society (BPS), 6, 20, 32;
Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR), 26;
Sport and Exercise Psychology section, 16, 17, 18, 27
Bull, Deborah, 132
bungee-jumping, 66
burnout, 239, 282
Bury football team, 215
Canero, Peter, 263
canoe-slalomists, 141
Carron’s model of group cohesion, 202, 203
case studies, 17, 19;
definition, 282
Castaignede, Thomas, 275
catastrophe theory of anxiety, 88, 282
ceiling effects, 58, 62, 217
Subject index 326