(avery) #1

goodness is fragile and cannot bear the hardest tests. For this reason,
the spirits have the option to live through transitional incarnations
during which they will not face rectifying their debts, but which serve as
a preparation for them to strengthen their will for reform and their
perseverance. The incarnations of expiation as such, where the spirits
will face the most difficult tests, will come when they are sufficiently
prepared and have a more resolute will to improve.

What kind of tests awaits the “indebted” spirits?
Generally to suffer in the flesh circumstances similar to those that they
generated in another life, to become conscious of what is and what
isn’t in harmony with the spiritual laws and to work towards repairing
the damage that they caused.

Well you would have to give me an example so that I can understand.
All right. Imagine a spirit that incarnates as a man in the eighteenth
century, in a rich white family that owns estates and slaves, so that they
work the land. Certainly he won’t realise, because this is what his
parents will have taught him, that slaves are also beings that feel and
suffer just like himself, and that slavery is an act against the law of love
and against free will, because nobody has the right to have a hold
over anyone’s will for his own benefit, be it physical or any other type,
and even less when dealing with his equal. Certainly, if you ask him
whether he feels that it is right to have slaves, he will most surely
consider his honour offended and will respond “how can you compare
a dirty and ignorant slave with a gentleman of my category!” Surely he
will not think that these dirty, ignorant, and enslaved conditions have
been created and maintained by him and his family. If he feels that
this state of things is all right, then he will agree to experience the
situation from the other side, that is to say, being born in the next life, as
the son of one of the slaves of his family, thus experiencing for himself
the suffering that comes from being a slave. Maybe if you ask him now,
as a slave, in that incarnation, whether he considers slavery to be
acceptable, he will tell you that slavery is inhuman and will complain
bitterly about his misfortune, saying: “Lord, what have I done to
deserve this?” But in the end, he has done no more than reap what he
has sown. If he really learns a good lesson from that experience, when
he is in a position to change the state of things, for example by
reincarnating again as the owner of the estate, maybe he will
remember what he learnt internally in his former life and will work to
abolish slavery.

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