(avery) #1

Should I conclude from this example that slaves may have been
masters in another life and have practised slavery?

Yes, and the owners slaves. The same group of spirits may have been
experiencing those positions alternately during a multitude of lives until
they finally realise that the best way to respect their own freedom is to
respect other people’s freedom under any circumstance. Well it’s like
that with everything.

But obliging spirits to go through the same circumstances that they
caused? Isn’t that equivalent to an eye for an eye and a tooth for a

I tell you that it is not a punishment, but a form of learning. If you think
that you have acted fairly, you will have no fear of receiving what you
gave. On the contrary, you will be eager to receive the just reward for
your good actions. On the other hand, if you have acted out of
egoism, harming others, you won ́t be so willing to reap the harvest of
what you have sown badly. If the intention of the law was to punish the
offender, as a kind of revenge, we could consider it as an eye for an
eye. However the purpose of the law is not to punish, but to promote
the evolution of the spirits, through personal experience of the actions
that the spirits themselves generate. Said in another way, the law of
spiritual justice confronts each one of us with our own acts in such a
way that we can learn from it. It is not always necessary to experience
exactly the same situations that spirits have caused, but that is normally
the fastest way to learn and what is chosen by many spirits, wishing to
get out of a situation of spiritual inferiority in which they feel deeply

Is there not another less drastic way for spirits to be free of their debts?
The intensity of the tests depends on how fast the spirits in question wish
to settle their spiritual debts and on their capacity to surpass them.
Only when the spirit is ready to pass the test will the test appear. It is like
a bank loan -but without interest - for spirits that wish to evolve but
have a karmic debt. They will be given various options for reforming
themselves and settling the debt, and it is their own decision to choose
one way or another. They can try and settle the debt in a shorter time
with higher repayments or over a longer period of time with lower
repayments. The spiritual guides usually recommend the second
option, to settle the debt in more comfortable repayments, even
though in this case spirits need to go through more incarnations to
settle the debt. However, spirits are usually in a hurry to leave the state
of suffering they are in because of the weight of the damage caused
and they tend to choose the most intense situations which help them

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