(avery) #1

incomprehensible for those who don’t know the spiritual laws. Many
people cannot understand that good people have to face so many
painful and miserable circumstances that they haven’t sought, but
that appear like a kind of fatal destiny and that is when they conclude
that there is no real justice if good people have to suffer so terribly. But
if they could only take a look at their spiritual past, they would see why.
The reason is that they are starting to repair the damage that they
caused before they began to have an affinity with the spiritual laws. So
be happy when you see people like that, first because they are spirits
that have made a profound and positive change towards their
regeneration, and secondly, because the fact that they are
confronting difficulties of that kind means that they have managed to
reach quite an advanced level of evolution, which allows them to
tackle an intense settlement of their debt with the possibility of success.

So should I deduce that the negative circumstances spirits face are the
consequences of acts from the past?

No. Many are the direct consequences of acts carried out in the
current life, and there are others that are intrinsic to the evolutionary
level of the planet on which they incarnate.

Do you mean that some spirits that have no debts could face negative
circumstances that don’t correspond to them through atonement?

Yes, this often happens. But it is the free choice of the spirits to do this.

And what sense does this have? It seems like masochism!
Don’t think that spirits decide to take this path because they enjoy
suffering. Neither would it make any sense if that suffering were totally
futile and no spiritual progress were to come from it. But if the result is
spiritual advancement in learning about love and therefore getting
closer to real happiness, then we can consider it to have all been
worthwhile once the painful circumstances have been successfully
overcome and left behind - just like the effort of a long distance runner
is worth it if he manages to achieve his goal, having broken his own
personal record. This choice is characteristic of advanced spirits that
incarnate out of an act of love towards their less evolved brothers and
sisters, they incarnate to help them, teach them about the path of love
and at the same time it also helps these highly advanced spirits to
progress faster, because their capacity to love unconditionally is put to
the test, as they will have to put up with a lot of ingratitude and
injustice from less advanced spirits.

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