(avery) #1

that, once incarnate, they can choose not to be together.

So, is the choice of the people whom we are involved with in this life a
decision made before each incarnation, or the result of decisions
made when we are incarnate?

Closer relationships, such as family groupings, some friendships, and
future partners are agreed before incarnating. With regard to this,
there is a commitment between the spirits that are incarnate to be
mutually helpful in their respective missions or tests, for example,
parents with respect to the incarnation of future children etc. Another
thing is that later the acquired commitments are fulfilled.

Are commitments prior to incarnation usually respected? In other
words, can a person have agreed with another to be a couple and
then, once incarnate, choose another person as his or her partner, or
can a couple who were committed to having two children, only have
one or none?

In your world it happens very frequently that spirits fail to fulfil their pre-
incarnation commitments.

For what reason do they fail to fulfil them?
Generally because they allowed themselves to be dragged along by
their own defects, by their egoism, making decisions with their mind,
which is very influenced by the suggestions of the materialistic world in
which you live, which leads you to live a life completely focused on
fighting only to secure material objectives (consumerism) or on
enjoying material pleasures (hedonism). In this way, they forget their
spiritual aspirations and commitments.

And how do spirits, once incarnate, know what those spiritual
commitments are, which were acquired before being born, if they do
not remember anything from this phase?

By allowing themselves to be led by spiritual intuition. When spirits allow
themselves to be led by how they feel, they are following that inner
voice which intuitively tells them which path to follow, and as these set
targets are fulfilled they feel happier within themselves, more sure and
serene, and the subsequent objectives in that life are clarified for
them. When they disregard that voice of feeling and allow themselves
to be guided exclusively by the mind, and this induces them to follow
purely material objectives contrary to their feelings, they feel empty,
discontented with themselves, dissatisfied, uncertain, unable to find
meaning to their lives.

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