(avery) #1

decisions that have to do with other spirits, with those who could be
your future children and remake the commitments acquired, although
with a different plan from that initially anticipated. For example, in the
case that you mention, if the intended parents refused to fulfil their
commitment, an alternative couple would be sought, with similar
characteristics to the previous one, and that wished to accept the
spirit to be incarnated as a son. The guides know that we tend to
change our minds once incarnate. That is why they have anticipated
a multitude of evolutionary alternatives so that, in spite of everything,
we have options for evolving, no matter what circumstances we have
chosen, however separated they may be from the route previously
drawn up before incarnating. If we turn away from the “route” initially
drawn up, a new “route” is rescheduled from the new path that we
have chosen, but with the same destiny.

Does the breaching of those commitments hold some consequence for
the spirit?

Apparently, it can seem somewhat negative, as though that spirit were
to deviate from the shortest path towards happiness. But part of free
will is having the freedom to change our minds whenever we want to
and to experience situations, which until they are lived through in
person, we are not aware of what they are like. Therefore, what is not
learned in one way can be learned in another. There are many
different ways to arrive at the same place, and alternative ways to
experience and learn the same things.

Do spirits that incarnate know from other lives those who will be their
relatives or close friends?

It varies. Some of the people who incarnate in the same family may
have been companions in other lives and in other cases this could be
the first time that they have incarnated together in the same family.

And who decides the family formation, in other words, who says who
will be the father, who the mother, the brothers and sisters etc.?

Normally the spirits themselves decide who will incarnate by mutual
agreement, with aid and advice from the spiritual guides.

And on what do the family relationships depend?
On the evolutionary needs of the incarnating spirits, whether these be
atonements or missions.

Could you clarify for me how evolutionary needs can have an
influence on the family composition and what is the difference

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