(avery) #1

stretches as much as it needs. In other words, it lengthens to great
distances when the spirit separates and travels far from the physical

Where do you go when you separate from your body?
Wherever your thoughts take you, to the astral world, and that is a
natural journey which responds to a necessary dynamic of human
development. Those nocturnal visits give human beings energy and
experiences which will help them later on in their physical life, because
there they are assisted by more advanced spiritual entities who advise
and help them. If you want to know more, I suggest you read Oliver
Fox’s book “Astral Projection ”.

Astral body? Astral world? Spiritual entities? My goodness! Hold on a
minute! This is going too fast for me!

I am only trying to answer your questions. But as we are jumping from
one thing to another, we can ́t study anything in depth. If you agree,
what we could do is leave it for now, because now it ́s time for you to
return to your body. Now you ́ve got quite a few things to find out
about for yourself and reflect upon. Look for the books that I have
recommended and try to read them. They will serve as proof so that
you can trust that all of this that you have lived through is not a
hallucination of your mind, but rather authentic reality.

I don ́t know whether I ́ll remember everything...
Don ́t worry. If you put your mind to it, you will remember everything
you need to be able to find them. Keep a record of any new questions
that come to you during that time, so that you can ask me them the
next time we see each other, that is, if you still want us to continue
seeing each other.

When will we meet again?
That depends on you. It depends on whether you want to look in
greater depth at the topics that we have just started to tackle
superficially or whether you prefer to stay as you are.

As we continue speaking more questions keep coming to mind,
regarding evolution, immortality of the spirit and such things.

Keep them until next time. What we could do is deal with the questions
by topic, although, as you will see, it is almost impossible to go deeply
into any aspect without having to enter into another topic. Also the
answers prompt other questions which require further explanation.

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