(avery) #1

But you must understand that, at the moment, I am still very sceptical
about what you say.

I understand. I know that you are sincerely looking for answers, and
that you are open to listening, otherwise I wouldn ́t be here. I can tell
that you have listened attentively and that you need some time to
meditate on what we have discussed. That ́s sufficient for me. I ́ll see
you, brother.

Goodbye, Isaiah.

And almost without having time to say goodbye, I felt a strong tug.
With the same speed as I had been catapulted out, I felt as if I had
been thrown in free fall at lightning speed until I was hurled on top of
my own body. Returning to my body was very hard. What a contrast to
the feeling of lightness of being outside my body and the sweet and
serene vibration that I felt in that dream-like place! I felt cold. I felt dizzy
and wanting to be sick; and heavy as if I had put on an iron suit that
weighed a ton. At the beginning, I couldn ́t move, I couldn ́t talk. It
was then that I slowly began to be aware of what had actually
happened to me. I was shocked. I cried with emotion. It had been the
most extraordinary experience of my life. During the following months I
tried to get back to normal life. But as much as I tried, I couldn ́t see
things the same way anymore. Almost everything seemed banal. Daily
worries, work. I was often absent-minded, without listening ,without
seeing what was around me, thinking about that experience. I felt like
telling people, my family or a friend. But then, my common sense
would tell me not to exert myself, as they wouldn ́t understand, they
would only think I was crazy. I felt like a stranger, like an extraterrestrial. I
wondered how many people had experienced that. After some time I
started having doubts. And what if it had all been a hallucination, a
figment of my imagination? Then, in order to try to quell the doubts, I
remembered something that Isaiah had told me: “Look for the books
that I have recommended and read them. They will serve as proof to
verify that all of this that you have lived through is not a hallucination of
your mind.” I started looking for the books on the Internet. I couldn ́t
remember the names or the titles, but I did remember some words and
names from our conversation. I put in Google “reincarnation, past lives,
life after death” and the names of authors and titles started to appear
and among them, I was able to recognise those that Isaiah had
mentioned. I studied them carefully, confirming bit by bit what he had
told me. If that had been a hallucination, it was really very real.

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