(avery) #1

So you mean that Jesus was not a supernatural or divine being, but
was as human as we are?

As human as you are, but more evolved. If we understand that
continuing to evolve enables us to get progressively closer to God, we
could say that Jesus was closer to God than you.

This means that if we evolve we can reach the evolutionary level that
Jesus had when incarnating?

Yes. Not only the same level, but much higher levels, since the process
of spiritual evolution never ends, although it is clear that in a single
physical life this is impossible. As with Jesus, you will need numerous
incarnations and to live a multitude of experiences in order to reach
that point, and take into account the fact that, when you arrive there,
he will already be on a greater level, since he continues evolving, like
all spirits.

Are you insinuating that Jesus also had to pass through the cycle of
incarnations to be able to evolve? That means that once he was as
imperfect as us?

I do not insinuate it, I affirm it. Jesus, like you, also had to improve
through his experiences in the physical world. And thanks to his will and
personal effort, he acquired the evolutionary level necessary to
accomplish the mission which he fulfilled on Earth and which had such
an impact on you, but which so little of which you have understood.

So did Jesus have the need to incarnate and to die on the Cross in
order to continue evolving?

No, he did not have the need, since he did not have any karma or
debt pending. He could have continued his evolution without going
through such bitter critical moments. He chose it because he wanted
to, knowing what the consequences would be. The greatness of Jesus
was not in dying on the Cross, on which the Catholic Church placed so
much emphasis. If that was the merit of Jesus, it would also have had
to be given to the hundreds of thousands of people who died in the
same way, since crucifixion was the way to execute those condemned
to death in that era. The great merit of Jesus is in his audacity and
bravery in spreading the message of love which he came to give,
without allowing anybody to intimidate him or make him change his
mind, even though he knew that all this would cause him no end of
suffering, including death.

So why did he do it?
Out of love for his less evolved brothers and sisters. Spirits that know

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