(avery) #1

unconditional love as he does do not act because they have anything
to atone for, but rather because they have a mission to carry out,
which generally has to do with setting an example of how to live with
love. Bear in mind that above a certain level, spirits act entirely moved
by love. Many spirits choose to incarnate in worlds which are little
advanced in order to help their less evolved brothers and sisters to
reach more quickly the happiness that they themselves experience
when living in love. In these cases, the negative circumstances which
they must endure are not a type of atonement, but rather they are
inherent in the spiritual inferiority of the world to which they come. But
they do not mind those sufferings, or being killed, because they do not
fear suffering or death. Through their great evolutionary level, they
know that death does not exist and that physical life is no more than a
moment in the life of the spirit.

So if elevated spirits that incarnate in a little advanced world have only
come to teach and not to learn, then they will not evolve much in a life
in an inferior world.

On the contrary, since they come to teach and to learn, because they
learn from all tests in life. This helps them to evolve very quickly, more
than in a world that is on the same level as them, because their
capacity for love and understanding is put to the test at all times. In
addition, it allows their most hidden defects to rise to the surface,
which would otherwise not be brought to light except under very
extreme circumstances, which would never occur in a more loving
atmosphere. In this way, they have the opportunity to try to improve
themselves and subsequently advance in the process of elimination of

Going back to Jesus, did he do this work alone? Did he not have any

When somebody works being moved by love, they are then worthy of
receiving the influence of even more evolved spiritual entities. In the
case of Jesus, it was the influence of Logos or Planetary Christ,
amongst others.

And who is this Planetary Christ?
The greatest spiritual entity that is responsible for the evolution of your

So the three beings of the Holy Trinity are God, Christ and Jesus?
Well I do not know, because I do not even think that those who
invented it know what that gibberish means. But what I will say to you is

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