(avery) #1

countries, causing millions of deaths and destroying millions of homes
through several generations? Do they not use psalms from the Bible or
expressions such as “We trust in God”, or “God is with us” as a ploy to
justify their actions? Be clear about one thing: “God” or “superior
spirituality” will never take sides in a contest, nor support any invasion
or conquest, because to do so would be to violate one of the laws
that He Himself established for the Universe, which is the law of love.
These are the people who violate the commandment of “Thou shalt
not take the name of thy God in vain”, a commandment which
supposedly believers of Judaism and Christianity must fulfil, because
they try to justify their atrocities using the name of God, as if God
would agree to commit such atrocities against His creatures. This is
using the name of God in vain, not using the word “God” in vulgar
expressions, as some people believe.

Then what about the people chosen by God?
There are no privileged peoples or individuals for God. God, or superior
spirituality, does not specifically join together particular peoples or
races to the detriment of others, but rather makes a call for all beings
to participate in the development of the evolutionary plan. Of course,
neither God nor superior spirits force anybody to follow their laws.
Those beings decide for themselves whether they want to collaborate
or not in that plan. They will acquire, according to their will and
capacity, if they so wish, a commitment, both on an individual and
collective level, to developing a concrete task within the plan of
spiritual evolution for the humanity in which they incarnate. That is the
choice, made by the spirits. Therefore, the “chosen” ones are no more
than those people that open their inner selves to superior spirituality
and are committed to following the law of love in their lives, so that, as
well as evolving themselves, they serve as an example to other beings
that have still not opened themselves internally to this call.

And do these people who open themselves to this call from the
spiritual world, have something to do with the mystics or the prophets?

Look. Direct contact with the spiritual world is not just reserved for a
few. I have already said that everyone has a direct connection. You all
have your own personal connection, with God, with superior spirituality,
with your own guides, and each of you will experience this in your own
way. The important thing is to look for that connection sincerely, with
humility, and let the motive for that search be to advance spiritually,
and each of you will be given what you need. The important thing is
not the spectacular nature of the experiences, but rather that those
experiences enable you to advance in love, not to justify your own

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