(avery) #1

with superior spirituality. They were inspired and helped in their missions
by advanced spirits, and this is a proper contact with the spiritual
world, in which the incarnate being receives advice and aid from
disincarnate spiritual entities. Likewise, if mediumship is censured, so
should Jesus himself also be censured, since Jesus acted as a very
powerful medium, as a transmitter of a message from the spiritual
world to the humans who lived at that time.

But they will say that Jesus was the son of God and that it was God
Himself who inspired him and not a spirit.

How do they know if the one who inspired a prophet who lived more
than two thousand years ago was God, the Holy Spirit, or the very Devil
himself if everything has to be believed through blind faith and analysis
of the messages is not permitted?
In fact, if one of the authentic prophets from the old testament, who
was the author of some of the writings which they consider to be the
word of God and that they venerate so deeply, were to incarnate
now and were to write new spiritual messages which clarified and
amplified the work done in other lives, showing them up, just as the old
prophets did with the religious authorities of antiquity, those same
people would laugh in his face or would make it appear that that
person is crazy, that he is in contact with the devil or something similar,
without even allowing the quality of the message that has been
received to be analysed. Let’s act with common sense. The quality of
the message is the only way of knowing the capacity of the author.
Who can believe that somebody from the present time who in their
messages promotes violence, war, and hatred of human beings
towards others is an envoy from God? So if we do not accept it from a
contemporary of ours, then why should we accept it from an author
from the past, however old he may have been? What is it that makes
the very old being so special? If the oldest is the most valuable, then let
us set up as gods the dinosaurs, sharks or ants, which appeared in this
world before any of the writers from antiquity. If the message of Jesus
has had so much impact on humanity it was not because Jesus gave
it, but rather because of the greatness of the message itself, which was
the expression of unconditional love. But the powerful ones of this
world, faced with the impossibility of restraining its expansion, and
fearing that it would put an end to their privileges and abuses, took
control of the figure of Jesus, took that message and adulterated it in
such a way that they almost managed to make us believe the
opposite of what the message said, putting into the mouth of Jesus
what he never said, words which contradict the original message itself,
what they would have wanted him to say in order to maintain their

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