(avery) #1

privileges and their power.

I suppose that anything that Jesus were to do would always be well
accepted by Christians, since they consider him to be God Himself or
the son of God. What they will be unwilling to admit is that a normal
person should have direct contact with spirits.

It would surprise them to know that contacts with beneficial spirits were
very frequent amongst the first Christians, who were strengthened in
this way from the spiritual world in order to bear the tremendous
persecutions which were thrown at them. Also the first Christians knew
that when praying with love they would attract the influence and the
manifestations of the advanced spirits. In the New Testament itself, in
the Acts of the Apostles, you have the example of how Jesus himself
voluntarily appeared and disappeared in spirit to the apostles after
having disincarnated. Later, the church itself persecuted this type of
manifestation, because its authorities feared that the seed of love
would arise again from them and that this would once again
germinate in the hearts of people and would release them from the
spiritual darkness into which that religious institution had plunged
humanity. Jesus did not come, but other elevated spirits with direct
contact with the spiritual world came, who did much good, healing
and taking care of the underprivileged. Many of them were burned by
the Inquisition under the accusation of witchcraft or heresy.

Yes, but it seems that people do exist who have come together to
invoke malignant spirits with the intention of securing certain magical
powers which give them the capacity to dominate other beings or to
secure wealth or power. What is your opinion on this matter?

This type of contact has taken place and will continue to take place,
while there are spirits in the world full of egoism, thirsty for wealth and
power. These contacts are indeed pernicious and have nothing to
recommend them, because people who act with this kind of intention
end up being the scapegoats for spirits from their same level, who will
do everything possible to keep them under their control and will
convert them into their slaves to commit major outrages. But just
because there are people who have used mediumship to contact
inferior spirits with the intention of harming other people, we cannot
conclude that all contact with the spiritual world through mediums is
pernicious. Or would it be seem reasonable to you that, just because
there are people who use the Internet for pernicious aims, the
authorities prohibited all communication throughout the network for
any use and for everybody? Logic tells us to limit its use only when it
goes against the integrity of people, and not in general.

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