(avery) #1

No, of course not. We have already spoken extensively about this. A
sexual relationship for an advanced spirit is a manifestation of intimate
love. Another very different thing is when satisfying sexual desires,
abuses of all types are committed and people’s free will is harmed,
above all that of the most defenceless, such as women and children
who are engaged in the sex trade (I speak of prostitution and
paedophilia) or when there are people who manipulate and deceive
in a thousand ways to obtain sex saying that someone is loved when in
fact it is a lie, which is something that happens very frequently in your
world. All this Jesus denounced. Consider that at the time of Jesus,
woman was considered as little more than a slave of man in all
aspects, including sexual, and she had practically no rights. Men could
do whatever they wanted without anybody saying anything to them.
Women had to bear the blame for the abuses of men with the blessing
of religion, such as for example, when women were repudiated, being
condemned to prostitution as they had no way at all of surviving. Jesus
fought a lot to defend the rights of women, so that they stopped being
considered sexual slaves and also to reprimand those who blamed
them, making them see that they were responsible for their lamentable
situation. But the Church has transformed all of this into an argument
against sexuality.

So the Church has made a banner of that relation between purity and
chastity, with the example of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Leaving to one side the subject of the conception of Jesus, Mary, like
the majority of women, was a virgin only until she began to have
sexual relations with her partner, Joseph, resulting in several sons and
daughters, who are the brothers and sisters of Jesus. And the most
striking thing is that this is taken from the gospels which the Christians
say to follow, whose authors did not see any problem in that Jesus, like
the majority of human beings, had brothers and sisters, and they did
not take any trouble to hide this, as the Church is trying to do at the
moment. That Mary had more children, and that these had a
forename and surname is reflected in various verses of the gospels. I
quote some of them as examples.

Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James,
Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?
” (Mark 6:3)
“While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers
stood outside, wanting to speak to him”.
(Matthew 12:46-47)
“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and
aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?”
(Matthew 13:55)

“Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not

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