(avery) #1

impossibility of judging him, the judge makes the decision that the son
of the robber should pay for the crimes of his father and go to jail
instead of the father. Would you consider fair a judge who made that

Of course not, and I do not believe that there is any court in a civilised
country that would make such a decision.

If it seems an aberration of human justice to you to blame a son for
something done by his father, why then do you believe that divine
justice may be worse than human justice? In the spiritual world you
have to account for your own actions, never for actions committed by
others. Therefore, belief in original sin or in faults “inherited” from your
ancestors is unjust and lacks foundation.

And where could that belief in sins inherited from ancestors come

What does happen is that we have to account for our own actions
and these may come from past lives, and it could so happen that
some of our ancestors were in fact ourselves living a previous
incarnation. This is the only correct way that such a belief can be
interpreted and it is only understandable if the existence of
reincarnation is accepted.

You also said that the belief that sexuality is something sinful and that
anyone who abstains from sexual relations is purer and more elevated
than the rest is not true.

That is right. It is not true. And I would like to know where they have got
that affirmation, which has served to impose the vow of chastity on
religious people, whether they are priests, monks, nuns or friars.

I suppose that it is based on the example that Jesus gave.
You do not know anything about the intimate life of Jesus to be able to
affirm that he did not have sexual relations! Jesus never said publicly
that abstaining from sexual relations meant being any closer to God or
being purer. If this were the case, and all humans were to make the
decision to abstain from sexual relations for life, within 120 years human
life on Earth would be extinguished! Does not “be fruitful and multiply”
appear to be a contradiction to you? Tell me if you know of another
form of multiplying that is not through sexual relations. Because in past
times they could not resort to “ test-tube ” fertilisation!

Am I to understand from your words that sexual relationships must
always have procreation as a motive?

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