(avery) #1

able to get near him because of the crowd. Someone told him, ‘Your

mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.’” (Luke


Why, if the evangelists did not have any problem with the fact that

Jesus had siblings, expressing this fact in their writings without any sense

of shame, did those who came later?

And what will you say to me about the belief that whatever we do in
this life decides our future for all eternity, with eternal punishment and
hell for the bad and the non-believers, and that only Christians or
believers are saved and secure eternal glory?

We had already spoken about this at length, when we explained the
law of spiritual evolution and how things work in the spiritual world, but I
will say it again in case it has not been made sufficiently clear.
Absolutely all spirits are immortal and their destiny is to reach the
highest levels of spiritual evolution. Therefore, no human beings are
excluded from the evolutionary scheme, independently of their
religious or political beliefs, race or any other reason. In other words,
whether or not they believe in God, Jesus or the Such and Such
Church, and although they may have been a total disaster as people,
they will never lose their condition of immortality or their possibility of
improving spiritually. Therefore, neither death nor eternal
condemnation exists for anybody. If we look back sufficiently into the
spiritual past of each and every one of us, we will find that in some
previous life, we have all been murderers, cannibals or both things
simultaneously. If now we are not, and we consider it an aberration, it is
because we have evolved spiritually and because we have had
innumerable opportunities to go on amending errors we have
committed, on the basis of incarnating time and time again, in order
to put our capabilities to the test. If there was no opportunity to make
amends and what we did in a single incarnation decided our future for
all eternity, I assure you that there would be no place left to enter
“Hell” it would be so packed and “Heaven” would be more
uninhabited than the Sahara desert.

So the belief that repentance at the last hour before a priest redeems

The destiny of spirits after disincarnating depends exclusively on their
actions while still alive, always having the opportunity to evolve, to
improve and consequently “be saved”, from the moment in which
they want to take this step. But this is not going to happen overnight,

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