(avery) #1

obstacles to prevent it from happening, apart from which she would
have suffered greatly on losing him. Although that does not mean that
he didn’t look for her. Like the majority of people, Jesus wished to find
a woman whom he could love, to be united with her and to have
children, because in his youth he was still not conscious of his mission.

ISAIAH: Are you going to ask any questions or shall I tell them to go?

Ok. I have always been curious to know what opinion Jesus would
have about Christianity and the church that was created after him.

JUNO: If Jesus were here he would say to you: “I never had any
intention of creating a church, or a religion. And even less one based
on the cult around my person, like the one that has been created,
using my name, the words and the acts of my life, a religion that has
been so repressive of human feelings and freedom, that it could not
be further away from being an example of love than it is.
I never ever taught you, nor did I ever ask you, to worship me or to
praise me. God does not want praise either. He only wants you to love
one another as he loves you, and to be happy loving. I only came to
transmit a message of love and to make it reality with the example of
my life among you, so that you would take it as an example and make
it your own, and find through it the pathway to happiness. This
message of love is not mine, but rather comes from the spiritual world;
it is a universal message from God for His children. It is irrelevant that I
was the transmitter. It could have been any other brother or sister who
really knew about love and it would still have been equally valid.
How many crimes, murders, tortures and humiliations against human
beings have been committed in my name and in the name of God!
Perhaps I didn’t say a thousand and one times, love one another, love
your enemies?
In which part of the example that I gave did those who claimed to be
followers of mine find the excuse to carry out such acts against love?
Those who want to be worthy of representing the message of love in
the world should raise their knee from the ground in front of the altars,
the crucifixes, and the religious relics. They should stop worshipping
statues and repeating time and time again useless prayers and rituals,
because there is nothing of love in that. They should extend their hand
to the brother or sister who suffers without expecting anything in
exchange, without boasting, without seeking to make proselytes,
always with humility, and then they can be called disciples of love.
Nobody who does not follow the example of the message of love,
which I came to show you, has the right to use my name or the name

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