(avery) #1

“Hello, I am Vesta,” the. woman said.
“Hello, I am Juno,” the man said. “We really wanted to see you again.”

“Again? But I don’t know them! If I had seen them before I would
never have forgotten it,” I thought.

VESTA: Just because you don’t remember, it doesn’t mean that we
don’t know each other.

ISAIAH: Didn’t you want to know things about Jesus? They know him
very well. Ask them whatever you want to about him. Make the most
of the time, because they won’t be with us for long.

ISAIAH: Aren't you going to ask anything? Come on, don't be shy! You
are among friends!

VESTA: Since you do not dare, I will help you to ask the questions that
you have. You are wondering whether Jesus had a partner, a woman,
his soul mate, with whom to share everything, sexuality as well.

“How ... do you know that?” I replied blushing.

ISAIAH: At this point have you still not realised that we read thought?
But keep calm! We won't tell anybody! Ha ha ha!

VESTA: I will answer you myself. The answer is yes. Jesus did have, and
of course, has, his soul mate, a woman who has a complete affinity
with him, with whom he shares all his love, and also sexuality. And not
only Jesus. Worlds exist which are inhabited entirely by humans at the
same level as him, or higher, who also have a partner, children and
sexual relations. Does this answer your doubt as to whether advancing
spiritually implies renouncing love as a couple?

Yes. You have been very clear.

JUNO: If Jesus did not find on Earth a partner to share his life with, it was
because his soul mate did not incarnate with him at that moment,
because she was at that time on another planet fulfilling a similar
mission to his. But it was only a temporary separation. Jesus could not
commit himself to a relationship with a woman of lesser evolution,
because she would not have understood the scope of his mission, and
through attachment, she would have created a thousand and one

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